Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Outdoor Wedding Reception Activities

If you are having your wedding reception out of the door, which opens the door for many activities that are difficult to pull off in the room. You can plan games and activities based on the outdoor theme and carry that theme indoors if part of acceptance as well.

Depending on where the reception is held, you can plan various activities based on the settings. Whether it is a park or on the farm, there are a myriad of activities you can plan.

Let's start with some basics based on popular wedding locations. A fun game for the marriage of wine is a blindfolded wine tasting game. If the bride and groom wine drinkers, this game will not be part of the bride, but the guests and wedding party members. Perhaps half a dozen volunteers blinkers and they've done blind taste test (provide something to cleanse the palate between the absorption). The volunteers should guess which wine is Pinot Noir, a Cabernet, and so on. A bottle of wine is the obvious prize for the winner of this game.

Say you have a party in a country club golf courses. Perhaps your theme will include golf elements, so why not include golf in some reception activities or games? You can certainly go on the golf course for a "hole in one" contest, or have a driving contest to see which guest has the best stroke. As a simple, "who get in the middle of the game", you can have people guess how many golf balls in the center of interest (which could decorate a plain large glass vase filled with flowers). Similarly, there may be a vase or other clear container filled with golf balls at a reception area and guests can guess how many golf balls in the vase.

A silly game could do on the dance floor by asking everyone to put their best golf swing into their dancing for one particular song.

Now, if your ceremony and reception were both held outdoors and guests will be milling outdoors, think about the game or activity that can take out of the room and continue to remain on the level of formality or absence of formality. For example, if the reception was held at the park, perhaps guests might enjoy a "road down memory lane". Before the reception, someone can use potted plants or arbors to create a small private lane, visitors can walk through. Along the way, visitors will find pictures of the bride and groom at various stages in their lives. There should be a place for visitors to record their thoughts and memories along the way too.

If your wedding and reception are completely relaxed, you can always tell guests ahead of time to prepare for a football game or other fun activities outside. Women can bring a pair of sneakers. Just imagine the fun photos you'll get out of a lively game of football or baseball played by women's clothes and shoes and men in suits and sneakers!

You can provide a challenge activity involving barefoot dancing on the grass or a Frisbee toss backyard. Is there a swimming pool in the yard where the reception will be held? Why not have a swimming activity for after all admissions done?