Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fun ideas for the unity candle

If you are planning a wedding and plan to have a unity candle as part of the ceremony, you might want to think outside the box.

Traditionally, the unity candle consists of three candles. A bride, groom each other, and two candles light the third candle. Here is a union of two people to make the unit. In some alternate methods, family members were invited to participate in the lighting of the unity candle, often the mother of the bride, or other close relatives. Each family lights a candle and together light a candle to symbolize the unity of the union with the family.

Today, there are some twists you can add on a fairly conventional aspect of the wedding ceremony. You can give each guest a candle in the night when they arrived at the ceremony. After two lights of the unity candle, you can ask guests to pass in front of the church (or wherever the ceremony takes place) and light the unity candle in clear wax. It may take a little time and may be better with a smaller guest list. But it is a means not only for your guests to participate in the ceremony itself, but also symbolizes the unity of family and friend's wedding.

If a large guest list and save your time to make a candle lighting involving everyone at the ceremony, some brides and grooms with the unity candle to the reception. Light the candle again and provide each guest with a small candle (the candle on the table with table settings, respectively). As guests entered the reception area or lobby, which can illuminate your appointment and bring to the table to put the owner vows. This small candle doubles as a wedding favor, especially if you decorate or enhance a simple votive candle in a few ways to coordinate your wedding.

Of course, you can forget about having the unity candle ceremony at all. Many brides today seek to reduce the duration of the ceremony and spend more time planning the reception. In this case, some choose to end the unity candle altogether. Of course you can, or can be brought to the ceremony and reception party.

To do this, you can use candle option suggested above, or you can combine units of lit candles in the reception activities themselves. For example, you can choose a quiet time at the reception has a unity candle lighting. Be in a brief prayer before giving food, or before cutting the cake. In this case, unity candle can be used to decorate the cake table. As a bride to have the cake and pieces are served to the guests, the candle can also serve as a reminder of some of the new notes and bonds shared by all visitors.

Despite the unity candle on wedding ceremony or reception is not required, certainly a lot of options brides and grooms choose to include. But it is important to remember that what surrounds wedding planning there are ways to make it unique and interesting and special for the couple to get married.