Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bridal Shower Games

If you are hosting a bachelor party, there are hundreds of games to choose from. Some silly, some serious, but they all have a great time with the bride before she got married. Here's a sample.

A fun game that really placed the bride in time with respect to knowledge of his life-to-be husband is. Before the party, someone asked a girlfriend of a series of questions, like where you were born, what his favorite food is, things like that. After a shower, bridal put in place to answer questions. See how much you can do well (I hope at least half). If you do, give her a gift, he deserves one.

One of the all time favorite game is toilet paper wedding dress. This game involves separating the guests into teams of at least two people and no more than 5. Give each team a roll of toilet paper (or two) and make a fashion wedding dress with toilet paper. A volunteer team members as models. Give them "clothes chest" filled with jewelry and shoes. They should make a toilet paper dress, but can be customized with the provided jewelry, shoes, gloves and hats. Put a time limit on it (5 minutes is enough) and the sound of the best wedding dress. Be sure to provide prizes for the winning team!

Another fun game is always a hit is to take the bride to wear blindfolds. Tell the bride she pretend you are on your honeymoon and the power had gone out. You need to prepare for their wedding night in complete darkness. Give a bag full of stuff and then remove the cover. He had to dress up in a certain period of time (2 minutes is adequate) while completely blindfolded and without the help of visitors. Include items such as the stupid big sunglasses, garden gloves or a flannel nightgown just to make it fun. This is an opportunity to take photos, so make sure someone is waiting to record the final result!

Another fun game is to place the shower guests more on sports bride. In this game, everyone put their purses in the middle of the room. Make a list of items found in the bag and set point value and create a list of the more common items and give them a higher point value. As you can give lipstick 2 points, 3 points tampons, and sunglasses 5 points. However, granola bars can be 10 points and staple remover, 15 points. Then go through the wallet of points and give people with the most points (and therefore most items and probably highest number of unusual items) prize.

Before bathing, make bingo cards for bingo game shower. In the square, put the picture items that I think will receive the bride's shower. So, boxes might include things such as clothing, towels, etc.. As the bride opens a gift, one should mark the spot on their bingo card. If no one get a "bingo" give a gift this year marks the largest number of elements.

This is the next game is the derivation of a popular game often played at parties and consist of single separator. This is the clean version. About 30 minutes into the game, with the bride leaves the room and move the piece of paper. We all wrote down on paper everything you remember about the wedding dress, hair, etc. How many rings is she wearing? What color is her blouse? Do you use open or closed toed shoes? When everyone is done recording their observations, the bride returned to the room and prizes are given to people who have the best skills of observation.