Saturday, January 14, 2012

Active Wedding Reception Games

All we usually receptions - we welcome and celebrate the new marriage, see them dance and enjoy cake with them. But creative couples often enjoy coming to exciting games covering the entire guest list.

Among the guests is the best way to get people out of their chairs, meeting people might not otherwise know and feel that they are actually part of the celebration, not just observers.

A fun and active game that can be played by all your guests, including Lola as well as children, "I want it now."

In this game, you designate a master of ceremonies (if you have a DJ for your wedding reception, this person can serve as a DJ). MC will have a list of "wants" prepared before the reception. All the people sitting at your desk, and waited to hear the command. MC says he wants people with painted nails. All women with painted nails ran in front of the room, toward the MC. Each time a table sends someone to the front lines, you get the point.

Points will be calculated during the game and prizes awarded at the end of the game. Make sure you have some "tastes" are prominent, such as nail polish, or a man with a mustache or a child in a pink dress. But also include some surprises, like "a man with a bag" that requires people to find a woman at a table with a paper bag and walked in front of the room with him.

Funny Wedding Games

Another fun wedding reception game, with all of your guests musical chairs with men as chair. All the men line up and kneel on one knee. Women began to play the game of musical chairs, but when the music stops, they must find a knee that feels. No "chairs" are removed during the version of the game, but people eliminated when men fall when a woman finds his knee or when the woman fell. Both are out anyway, and if the same fall, but then also (and perhaps a bit bruised). This is a fun game that often brings the winds of laughter and adds to a relaxed reception.

If guests who travel a great distance for a wedding or do not know many other guests, it's always fun to include games now allow them to just know each other, but in the same family as well as . For this game, you need a new MC, which can be very active member of the wedding party or a DJ. The reception guests are divided into two groups, which can be as simple as people as "1, 2, 1, 2" and so on until the entire guest list either "1" or " , 2 ". After the two groups together for a game.

DJ or MC, offers a range of issues related to the bride. The team should collaborate to answer those questions, and then soon provide the answer. Bride and groom will confirm if the answer is correct or not. This is an excellent way for customers is "foreign" to get to know us and have fun in the process. It is also the best way to meet the bride!

The organization of the games at a wedding is a great way to engage people and make them think they are actually part of the celebration. It is also a way to fill time, if married to Planner that it is "dancing" group or if you want to drop people to celebrate the night. Whether small or large wedding, reception games work for almost any group.

Funny Wedding Games

Wedding guests are also assumed that the reception is offended or bothered by the active game. Most people report to wedding Planner they truly enjoy being more active and have a fun game to play during the reception.