Saturday, December 17, 2011

Men : Easy Steps to Plan Your Wedding

Today, we want to share an article about wedding planning, written from the perspective of men. May you find it helpful.

The first error involved a man who had to make is to believe and follow the 'accepted norm' that women enjoy planning their wedding and everyone had to do was nod and say yes to everything and figure out how to pay for it. While this 'customary norms' does not necessarily guarantee a divorce on the road, certainly serves to steer you towards it from the get-go.
Why? Because women want their men to become more than just men in tuxedos on the change and they want them to actually SHARES in planning their special day.

The man heard this and wanted to walk in the opposite direction - ALL think kind of conflict will happen if they try to share in the planning. Or that they would be more in control every step of the way anyway.
But women will tell you that they want their future partner to be involved in the planning - not always in the decision-making, but at least in the planning. This brings forward to the year they married too - men are far from family decisions tend to be less supportive. And ultimately, this is what most women want above all else - the support.

Even if you do not agree, it's better to go through the decision making process together rather than leaving one party with all the decisions. If for no other reason than a person's decision makers will be marked with all the blame if things do not work together perfectly. Many brides have burned themselves before the honeymoon that never arrived because they have to do 'everything'.

Marriage is NOT something that most men are growing desire to plan. For many, the sheer magnitude of planning to make them sick. But it does not have in this way. Many men realize that only involved in the process of pleasing their future brides and tend to smooth the road in a long-term relationship, the way that we all know can get quite bumpy.

Wedding Planning on a Budget

Listening and communicating are the properties of women say they want in a man and a wise man is one who offers this from the beginning of the wedding planning process.
This process will most likely end up with a lot of "give and take ', so the best plan is to start giving and receiving early and establish healthy patterns for the rest of your married life.