Friday, December 9, 2011

20 Tips on planning a honeymoon trip list

After the adrenaline rush of festivals and wedding ceremonies of this century, things can get a bit chaotic with no list of honeymoon trip, right? What do you mean you do not have a honeymoon checklist? Do not be embarrassed to get through a big ceremony without patting your line, really nailed the first dance (and thanks to God's speech did not drag) only to fall when you should leave your trip a lifetime.

Putting it simply, there is no substitute for honey packing list. Imagine up to the airport and realize you left your passport and a visa under your mother's coffee table. Planning for a honeymoon, is serious business and should be approached with a plan with good accuracy. There must be no disaster. It's too late hope you'll take a shot of malaria, when you are lying in the hospital thousands of miles from home. You should plan your honeymoon trip months in advance.

Fortunately, planning the honeymoon has entered the computer age and life easier. You can save a copy of all your important documents on a memory stick and take them with you when you go abroad. In fact, when planning a honeymoon, a comprehensive list of supported on your memory stick, can make all the difference between disaster and a minor inconvenience. Plan a honeymoon trip will not be complete without a fine.

20 Tips on planning a honeymoon trip list

Here is a list of honeymoon trips and honeymoon a few tips to help:

  1. Having a budget and try to remember it is not the limit of the target, but let's face it, keeping the comfortable margin of error. Get any worse than not doing the things you really want to do it because you leave 3.75% of the budget. Loosen the top button, but keep of your shirt.
  2. Book well ahead. You want to vacation your first choice. The second option would not do it.
  3. Have details of your travel agent in case of trouble.
  4. Make sure all your travel documents are in order. Do not find out you need a visa when you get to the airport.
  5. Make sure you have a map or even better GPS device to the place you are going. Life would just be easier that way.
  6. If you are traveling to parts of the world where exotic diseases are prevalent, vacinations relevant set of at least one month prior to departure. Sometimes there is a reaction to certain drugs. You want to be above all of them before the wedding day. If you take prescription medication make sure you have a copy of the recipe. Make sure that the country you are traveling to approve the drug you are taking. Search path at the airport almost never fun.
  7. Scanning your passport, visa, marriage certificate and all other relevant documents and store information in a memory stick - password protected of course. If you lost everything, the information stored on the stick easily retrieved from a nearby computer. As a second insurance policy, email all the same information to yourself for your hotmail, yahoo or gmail account. It's all password protected and retrievable in the event you lose your memory stick.
  8. If you take traveler's checks (and I always do) keep a list of their numbers. Leave a copy with someone at home and making copies on a small memory stick.
  9. If you take part in any honeymoon packages, make sure you keep all details agreed upon, in email or hard copy.
  10. Be sure to get some foreign currency before you leave. This will save time when you get to the other end, and keep the credit card or bank card for emergencies.
  11. I can not state this strongly enough, take out travel insurance! If you ever lose your luggage will want to have.
  12. Make sure your health insurance is paid up to date before you go. It always pays to be prepared.
  13. Reaffirming all flights at least three days before departure and do not be late on that day. Most of the travel agents recommend that you check in at the airport at least 2 hours prior to departure for international flights and 1 hour for domestic.
  14. Arranged for your mail collected by family members and cancel newspaper subscriptions.
  15. Be sure to confirm your acommodation via email, fax and phone calls.
  16. Make sure all your luggage is properly labeled and make sure all the luggage has a lock on them. A trunk without a key is an invitation to thieves.
  17. If you have traveled to a foreign destination, guide books and schedules is a must.
  18. Make sure all of the payments such as mortgages and credit cards are paid before you go.
  19. A will and life insurance seems a little too excited, but you never know.
  20. Be sure to bring a wide range of sexy clothing.

20 Tips on planning a honeymoon trip list

20 Tips on planning a honeymoon trip list

20 Tips on planning a honeymoon trip list

20 Tips on planning a honeymoon trip list